Expedition Medical Providers

-Stay Healthy Outside-

"To promote mountain medicine education in Latin America, through collaboration with and support from the mountain and rescue medicine institutions of the world, to ensure and improve the delivery of medical care to the mountain communities and visitors of the Andes"

What is the DiMM?

The Diploma in Mountain Medicine is a multidisciplinary, postgraduate medical education course that constitutes the highest international standard in mountain medicine education, validated  by the International Commission for Alpine Rescue (ICAR), International Society of Mountain Medicine (ISMM) and the Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme (UIAA).

This course represents an in-depth curriculum covering the management of medical pathology encountered in mountain and austere environments and provides technical, hands on practice in how to safely access, evaluate, stabilize, and evacuate patients in challenging terrain and adverse weather conditions.

Three types of courses exist: a Foundation course and two sub-specialty courses, Expedition & Wilderness Medicine and Rescue. 

The Diploma in Mountain Medicine qualification can only be awarded to Health Care Professionals registered with a national professional regulatory body (Physicians, Paramedics, Nurses, Flight Nurses, Mid level providers,  etc.*), although Students in the final part of their career ( advance medical/nursing students) can start the course, the Diploma will be issued upon successful completion of their career. 

*Other certifications may be eligible and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis

The Diploma in Mountain medicine in all of its forms  is open to all suitably experienced candidates regardless of age, sex, nationality, race, creed or religion.

Requirements for participation in the DiMM  also includes proper outdoor skills, physical fitness  and exposure to technical disciplines like climbing, mountaineering, backcountry skiing and/or search and rescue, among others

Check the Official page of the DiMM at UIAA for more information.